02 November 2020

Agency Worker Regulations - Diane Adam

Since being elected to the Supply and Home Tuition Organising Forum as delegate for the Northern Region, I have been amazed at how few people understand or have even heard of Agency Worker Regulations, or AWR. If you are doing supply work through an agency, you may be owed hundreds of pounds!

The regulations state that agency workers are entitled to parity pay after 12 weeks in the same role, with the same LA or MAT. It does not have to be in the same school and does not need to be full time. The 12 weeks do not need to be consecutive, as long as any break does not exceed 6 weeks during term time. Parity pay means that you are paid the same salary as you would be if you were hired directly by the school.

If you have left your school, you have three months from the last day worked to claim, so it is still worth doing. Remember! This is something you are entitled to by law. Any agency or school not paying it, is breaking the law and can face substantial fines. For further information go to https://neu.org.uk/advice/agency-worker-regulations, or contact your branch secretary. 

Diane Adam
NEU Durham District & Supply and Home Tuition Organising Forum

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